How far along: 34 weeks – about 6 more to go!
Baby size: Lil’ Ziggy is about 4.7 lbs and 18 inches long. I’m measuring at exactly where I should be for 34 weeks too.
Belly: Nothing much to say about the belly this week. I don’t think it’s changed much. Here’s a picture – you decide!
I look so bleary-eyed. I should start taking my picture first thing in the…. oh that’s right, I’d still be bleary-eyed. Just can’t win.
Sleep: It really hasn’t been that bad, all things considered. Not like a few weeks ago where I couldn’t sleep for longer than an hour or so at a time. I’m still super tired all the time. And before you say “just you wait ’till the baby gets here”, I’d like you to read my recent post on warnings vs. encouragement!
Clothes: If I could wear maternity yoga pants 24/7, I would. SO. COMFY.
Movement: Lil’ Ziggy is still a wiggler, but I’d be surprised if that lasts much longer due to growing space restraints. As long as he’s still squirming, all is well.
Food cravings: A few nights ago I really wanted a fried egg sandwich. So I made one, along with two fried eggs on their own and toast for dipping. It was 11:30 p.m. Delicious, amazing, flawless, no regrets, etc.
Labor signs: Still none, unless you count general uncomfortableness. That at least lets me know that the end is near!
What I miss: Being able to put on my own socks. Some days I can manage it, other days I’m just like “meh” and I get Chris to put them on for me.
Preparing for birth: As I mentioned in my last post, I had a prenatal appointment, where I was told that everything was moving along just swimmingly. Ziggy’s head-down (thumbs up!), measuring on-target for how far along I am, and no health concerns at all. Cinnamon did instruct me to put my feet up more often as I’m getting puffy in the feet and ankles. Definitely not enough to be a concern, but she told me that now is the time to start taking it easy. Oh how I wish I could lay with my feet up when I get home from work each day! But I’m giving it my best shot, usually laying down for an hour or so when I get in before making dinner.
My meeting with my doula went super-well too. We get along so well and tend to go on funny tangents, so what was supposed to take an hour took more like 3. But we got through the birth plan, and I’ll make a separate post about it later this week.
I ordered what I hope to be the last of the big-ticket nursery and baby items that we need before the wee one gets here – the car seat, crib mattress with some bedding, and a change pad with a cover. The car seat and mattress won’t arrive until mid-Feb., so don’t expect any nursery pictures before then.
One of the things I’m most looking forward to over the next few weeks is not just setting up the nursery, but also sorting and photographing all my cloth diapers! I’ve decided it would be fun to do reviews of the cloth diapers I have for the wee one – how they fit, how well they’re made, etc. I’m sure not everyone on my Facebook or Twitter will be interested in my diaper adventures, but I’m hoping to tap into some other networks of blogging moms who may find the information useful. I’ve already come up with a plan, I just need a sunny morning with enough natural light to start cloth diaper photoshoots.
And that’s it for now, I think! Here’s a picture of a very unimpressed Sophie, to thank you for your time.
I remember I had cloth for Christopher too – had to do it the all natural – no plastic way – do you have to have rubber pants to put over the top of the cloth for leaks etc? washing was a pain – hanging on the line in the sun was great – nice and fresh smelling 🙂
They don’t have rubber pants anymore, they use a waterproof outer layer that is still waterproof! I’m so excited to show off my stash – you’d be surprised how easy they are now. Most of them go on just like disposables!