Disclaimer: Every birth story is as unique as the mom and baby who went through it. I wrote my birth plan with the knowledge that things may not turn out the way I want them to. It’s obvious that things didn’t end up going according to my “ideal”, but that’s WHY I wrote a plan – so I could be educated and prepared for the unexpected.Β
We left off Part 2 with the decision to have an epidural. I was tired, and my labour more or less had parked itself painfully at four centimetres. Since my water broke 24 hours before, it was now highly recommended that I take oxytocin to get labour going faster, and I knew that contractions would become much more painful with that drug.
Sweet relief
The anesthesiologist came in and spoke to me about the epidural process, risks and what I can expect. In between contractions, I had enough mental control to discuss it with him and with Chris and Brittany to decide to go ahead with it. I had resolved at that point that the benefits outweigh the risks for me anyway.
I won’t describe how an epidural works, but I will say that the whole thing was a lot less scary than I thought it was going to be. Maybe it’s because it was in between and therefore in contrast with my contractions. The nurse commented that it was one of the fastest epidurals she’d ever seen. The anesthesiologist was excellent!
Afterwards, I was still feeling contractions, and began to worry that the epidural didn’t work. I was reassured, though, that it took about 10 minutes for the medication to kick in.
And true to that, soon afterwards, the pain went away. It just disappeared.
I didn’t want the epidural. I didn’t want to have a needle go into my back and stay there. I wanted a “natural” birth. I wanted and didn’t want a lot of things. But when the pain went away, I said to Chris, “it’s like I just woke up from a nightmare”.
Sleeping it off
When I could no longer feel the contractions, exhaustion set in for all of us. I was sleeping through my contractions, Chris was dozing on the pull-out bed, and Brittany went to lay down in the waiting room (apparently the couches were very comfortable).
About half an hour after Brittany left the room, I woke up with a feeling of extreme pressure. The “gotta go” kind of pressure, if you know what I mean. It had only been about two hours since I had the epidural.
I called in the nurse to let her know what was going on. She checked me and…
I was at 9.5 cm!
I was in complete shock that I had almost fully dilated in two hours, but also incredibly excited that we were now so close to meeting our Lil’ Ziggy. Chris went to get Brittany, and the nurses began setting up the delivery equipment.
Hello Lil’ Ziggy!
The pressure was getting even more intense, and I wanted to push. I was actually told by the nurse not to push, obviously because they didn’t have everything set up, but it was SO hard resisting that urge. It felt like forever but I guess it was really only 20 minutes before I was finally in position and ready to push.
By the time I was told to start pushing, Lil’ Ziggy’s head was right there, so close that I could reach down and touch him. He practically half-birthed himself while I slept!
I gave my all with each push, and it was a relief from the overwhelming pressure. Chris and Brittany were by my side the whole time, encouraging me to slow down my breathing between pushes, telling me what a good job I was doing, and coaching me through each contraction. They were my strength through each one.
And after only 25 minutes of pushing (apparently that’s fast!)… Lil’ Ziggy was born.
It all happened so quickly, I can’t even recall every detail of it, but suddenly he was here. My baby boy. With a hearty yell (that has only grown stronger with time!), he came into the world and was placed in my arms.
In keeping with my birth plan, he stayed on my chest while he was cleaned up, and Chris got to cut the cord after a couple of minutes. Ziggy was so alert from the get-go, and latched on and nursed right away. We just spent the next while snuggling together in the room, getting to know each other. Ziggy fell asleep after his long journey, and eventually the nurse swaddled him so that I could get some sleep myself.
And here, at only a few hours old, is my Lil’ Ziggy:
There’s probably a lot more I could say about my birth, but a lot of it was like a dream, I just get pieces of it floating past my mind every once in a while. I will say, though, that Chris was amazing throughout the whole thing. Even when things got crazy, he never left my side. He watched the entire birth and supported me the whole way through. I’m so thankful that he is my husband and the father of Lil’ Ziggy.
I’d like to thank my readers who have been following along with my Birth Story so far, and who have been sharing their stories as well. While having an epidural wasn’t my ideal, I really believe it was the best decision for me. It allowed my body to relax and let the oxytocin do its work without further complications. I didn’t need the vacuum or forceps either.
Birth was an incredible experience for me, and I got my sweet baby boy out of it too! Over 5 weeks out, I’m fully healed and Lil’ Ziggy is doing well. I look forward to writing more about his progress as he grows bigger and bigger!
Feel free to share your stories in the comments as well!
This post has been shared with the following linkup parties:
#Bestoftheblogosphere party via DebCB.com
Weekend Wind Down Party via Snippets of Inspiration
Saturday Sharefest via The SITSGirls
The epidural was amazing! I totally napped most of the afternoon. I had to be on pitocin the entire time since they needed to induce me so there was no way I was going natural. Congratulations mama on your sweet little bundle π
Your little guy is so cute! Your birth story is very similar to that of my frist child. Water breaking, no progressing, pitocin, fentyenol, epidural etc. It was 36 hours for me from when my water broke to when he was born/ My epidural was not a good experience though and I never had another one.
My children’s birth stories are here: http://www.fromonemommatoanother2.blogspot.ca/2013/10/ks-birth-story.html
Thank you so much for sharing. I’m sorry to hear that the epidural wasn’t a good experience for you. Every birth story is so unique, I’m sure my second will be quite different from my first!
I can never get over imagining the amazing feeling of how awesome it would be to just have your baby laying no your chest. π Sigh. It’s beautiful. You mamas are amazing!!! π
Thanks Emily! It was an overwhelming experience, that’s for sure!
Just beautiful! Even though I know things didn’t go quite as planned for you, it really sounds like the epidural did you good and helped you relax enough for him to come out pretty easily.
I think it’s ridiculous that nurses and doctors tell women not to push! I was also told this (nothing was set up, I hadn’t even been checked, but it was uncontrollable). I pushed anyway because it just happened so fast.
I’m so glad you are both healthy and that you aren’t agonizing over your birth plan not going 100% according to plan. Your attitude about it is awesome. You got a healthy beautiful baby out of it and birthed him like a champ!
Awww, the happy ending to a one-of-a-kind birth story.
I just love that picture of all of you with little Ziggy. So sweet.
Beautiful and congratulations once again.
Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).
Wishing you a lovely day.
Thank you Jennifer!
Congratulations! You did it!! And you have such a beautiful little boy to show for it.
Thank you Daffny! I quite agree! π
Glad you had a good epidural! It was the exact same with me, went from 4cm to full dilated in just under 3 hours. It was so incredibly glorious to feel nothing but pressure after feeling intense contractions for hours. Good for you for only pushing for 25 min!! That’s awesome π I pushed for 2 and a half hours, but my contraction pattern was super irregular still (sometimes I’d have 6-7min of a break in between them) so I never felt worn out or like I wasn’t going to be able to continue. Glad Ziggy is here and he’s healthy. π
Thanks! I actually was having coupling contractions, so I wasn’t really getting a break before the epidural. I’m glad it all went as smoothly as it did. Glad yours did too!